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conductor, ensemble & festival director
Pritchard's music celebrates the issuing of sound out of silence, music out of
a sense that its progress and indeed very existence is somehow inevitable."
(Nicolas Hodges, pianist)
CD: FEATURES AND FORMATIONS - now released on Métier The
concerts were followed by a studio recording of the programme, for a
CD which was officially released on September 8th, 2023.
ABUNDANT FOLDS FOR SOPRANO AND PIANO After its premiere in July, at the Randspiele festival near Berlin, by Karera Fujita (soprano), Nadezda Tseluykina (piano), Abundant Folds is now being performed across Europe in twelve performances by Christine Simolka and René Wohlhauser. Details can be seen on the 'Performances' page.
To round off the year of Pritchard's 75th birthday a concert will be given in London by Uroboros Ensemble, which he founded in 1981, making it one of the UK's longest surviving contemporary music groups. Alongside several other works, the programme will include his latest piece: Release, a duo for cor anglais and accordion, and four pieces by 'guest' composers - friends who have had a significant impact on Pritchard's career. The concert will take place on December 9th, at The October Gallery, London WC1N 3AL. Details here. The concert will be preceded by a reception; to request an invitation please email mail@uroborosensemble.com
The music of Gwyn Pritchard is published by
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